
Step 1 > Always use cash to enter and exit the BTC business Never, ever use any service that requires AML/KYC, not just for BTC, but for XMR/BTC and many other coins in general. Using a service that requires AML/KYC will link your real name to your bitcoin address. Bisq <>/<> is the best alternative for buying and selling bitcoin without AML/KYC. Bisq is a decentralized peer-to-peer bitcoin exchange that allows you to buy/sell bitcoin.

Step 2 > Never use Bitcoin addresses again Reusing a bitcoin address is a huge privacy and security risk. It makes it easier for government personnel analyzing the blockchain to use heuristics, and it takes you and anyone who may have transacted with you out of the anonymization process. The best practice is to use a new bitcoin address for each payment you make, although many of the newer wallets are still SPV(Simplified payment verification) wallets and vulnerable to a wider structure. The wallets I can recommend to you are Wasab/Zcash/Atomic on my laptop, Samorai on my phone and Electrum for BTCPay. I use a cold card and electrum as my server and offline storage solution, Electrum allows you to sign transactions offline for more privacy and security signing transactions offline also opens the door to using a bitcoin satellite node and gotenna netw.. for further privacy.

Step 3 > Never use a wallet that uses Bloom If I need to define the Bloom filter, it is primarily used by SPV clients to request only matching transactions and blocks full nodes. Having said that, bloom filters are normally introduced for security, but there are many systematic flaws in the implementation, so without getting too technical and boring you, the things an attacker can do in SPV security are probably spoof full nodes, block SPV requests, spoof SPV requests, and spoof SPV requests. I am specifying in detail so that you can be sober about the terms, friends. The security vulnerabilities I mentioned are due to the fact that SPV wallets cannot validate all SPV responses, while the specialized blockchain only validates the headers, leaving them open to these attacks. You can mitigate many of these risks if you use the Electrum I suggested above with your own bitcoin hail or electrum on your own server, especially if you run it tunneling through tor.

Step 4 > Use a proxy tunnel or tor chain We won't go into details, maybe I will explain it some other time. Always access the internet through a network like TOR socks, I2P or use a privacy optimized version of firefox or tor browser.

Step 5 > How do attackers actually attack us? In this section, I will discuss some of the techniques that an attacker can use.

Blockchain Forensic Analysis: As you know, exchanges use tracking platforms and tools that allow them to check the purity of funds before allowing coins to be traded. They constantly check traders' deposits. There are many public trackers such as: Chainalysis, CipherTrace, Bitfury Crystal, Leonovus, Blockchain Alliance!,Coinfirm. Certainly there are unknown tools used by intelligence agencies. Blockchain forensic analysis has been marketed as a sure way to stop crime, I don't want to mess with Chainalysis or Bitfury, but they are the most famous of this type of analysis. This kind of forensic blockchain analysts use a method of predicting what is what, tracking their movements on the blockchain. Funds? They do this with a technique called heuristics. In a blog post, a Chainalysis employee claims a 70% recall rate for blockchain analysis. this means that with a single bitcoin address (a public bitcoin address) it can identify 70% of your bitcoins. While this is worrying, we can use tools that attack these heuristics, invalidating the assumptions and allowing us to reclaim our privacy. Heuristics are basically assumptions that are not precise enough to protect one's privacy. It is referred to as a multi-input heuristic. It assumes that all inputs come from the same wallet.

The shadow change heuristic analyzes exchange addresses that have never been done before, and its presence in the blockchain allows blockchain analysts to know who the sender is. The optimal heuristic uses the assumption that wallets do not send unnecessary money. To summarize, because heuristics are based on assumptions about what actually happens, they can be attacked by making those assumptions fundamentally unreliable. Privacy-conscious wallets like Wasabi & Samorai have Samoraide Stonewall, Paynyms, for example, as safeguards against this type of blockchain analysis. These render most heuristic techniques invalid and obscure. Wasabi has many privacy-preserving features.

Step 6 > What can we do to minimize the risk? I'll go item by item.

  • Run Bitcoin full node with tor tunneling.

  • Use Wasabi, Electrum, ZecWallet as your desktop wallet.

  • Do not use any exchange or service with your AML/KYC information.

  • Buy bitcoin in cash.

  • Don't talk to anyone about owning bitcoin, never talk about it on social media (profiles with your real identity or information)

  • Apply your maximum op$ec habits.

  • Block intuitive links to ownership using Coinjoin or a shuffle service.

  • Coinjoin apps come in various flavors, avoid flavors like coinshuffle.

  • Control your money like a gambler

Step 7 > Why stay away from centralized systems? Online mixing services. There are various bitcoin mixers that are used by many people. For example, on the darkweb there are many people doing these services, but some of them are outright scams, others are legitimate and do it for a fee, and others are selectively scamming their customers. You cannot trust these services. Even if they don't scam you, you have no idea how they actually mix your money, so a mixing service is normally extremely risky. Instead, there are safer options called coinjoins. Coinjoins is a way of hiding the ownership of UTXOs by combining inputs into a single transaction. By making it a single transaction, it makes it impossible for blockchain analysis to determine who owns the coins, as they are on the same dimension.

Step 8 > Bitcoin and other "mainstream cryptocurrencies" are not anonymous at all (Remember Your Cryptocurrency Transactions) and you should never, for example, buy Bitcoins from an exchange and then use them to buy services directly anonymously. This will not work and the transaction can be easily traced. Stay away from so-called "special" mixers, tumblers and coinjoiners. You might think this is a good idea, but it won't work with cryptocurrencies like BTC/ETH/LTC.

Step 9 > I just going to briefly mention how you can get paid in bitcoin/zcash from your field agent for carders -) First of all, I'm going to go through bitcoin, zcash, if you're going to buy bitcoin, zcash, I think you know that bitcoin is theoretically traceable, the blockchain is a public ledger, if you're going to buy bitcoin, you shouldn't trust third parties, so you shouldn't keep it in an online wallet for a long time if you don't have to! Using exchanges to buy and sell cryptocurrencies creates a complete op$ec problem, I know this doesn't sound good but we will use the latest technology to "wash" the coin you buy and stay anonymous, you need to wash the bitcoin you have and exchange it cleanly for Monero XMR and then you will convert the XMR back to Bitcoin. Converting Bitcoins to XMR, sending that XMR to another XMR address and then converting it back to BTC will cut the connection with you and make your cryptocurrency completely anonymous, allowing you to use it as you wish. I think you understand so far. With all this, <><><> If you want to use a strictly online wallet to store bitcoin that you think is secure, you need to make sure you are using a wallet that can be accessed through Tor, you can use Tor to create a wallet at ^




EXCHANGE: http://kycnotmezdiftahfmc34pqbpicxlnx3jbf5p7jypge7gdvduu7i6qjqd.onion/

WHONIX Wallet: Electrum

PHONE Wallet:

COLD Storage: Trezor

MIXERS: Automatic BTC mixer 24/7 The coins you want to clear go to our props. Within hours, they are mixed by repeatedly sending them to thousands of different addresses. Finally, they become completely impersonal. After that, the money is sent to the exchanges for the final break in the chain of ties. After 3-6 hours, you will receive back absolutely clean coins that cannot be associated with the coins you sent earlier. We guarantee that all AML tests are passed and that the coins received are completely unassociated with you.


P2P: http://nehdddktmhvqklsnkjqcbpmb63htee2iznpcbs5tgzctipxykpj6yrid.onion/nojs/ http://2jopbxfi2mrw6pfpmufm7smacrgniglr7a4raaila3kwlhlumflxfxad.onion/nojs/


TAILS Wallet: Monero http://xmrguide25ibknxgaray5rqksrclddxqku3ggdcnzg4ogdi5qkdkd2yd.onion/

WHONIX Wallet: Monero http://www.w5j6stm77zs6652pgsij4awcjeel3eco7kvipheu6mtr623eyyehj4yd.onion/wiki/Install_Software#Flatpak

[workstation user ~]% flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub
[workstation user ~]% flatpak install flathub org.getmonero.Monero

PHONE Wallet:





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