Brainfuck Writeup
First thing first, we run a quick initial nmap scan to see which ports are open and which services are running on those ports.
We get back the following result showing that five ports are open:
Port 22: running OpenSSH 7.2p2 Ubuntu 4ubuntu2.1 Port 25: running Postfix smtpd Port 110: running Dovecot pop3d Ports 143: running Dovecot imapd Ports 443: running nginx 1.10.0
Before we start investigating these ports, letâs run more comprehensive nmap scans in the background to make sure we cover all bases.
No other ports are open. Similarly, we run an nmap scan with the -sU flag enabled to run a UDP scan.
We get back the following result showing that no ports are open.
Before we move on to enumeration, letâs make a few mental notes about the nmap scan results.
The version of SSH being used is not associated with any critical vulnerabilities, so port 22 is unlikely to be our point of entry. Weâll need credentials for this service.
Port 443 is running HTTPS. The index page gives us the title âWelcome to nginx!â. This is likely a configuration issue where the IP address doesnât know what hostname it should map to in order to serve a specific site and so instead itâs serving the ngnix default page. To fix this issue weâll need to first figure out the list of hostnames that resolve to this IP address and then add these hostnames to our /etc/hosts file. From the nmap scan, we get three possible hostnames: brainfuck.htb, www.brainfuck.htb and sup3rs3cr3t.brainfuck.htb.
Ports 25, 143 and 110 are running mail protocols. We might need to find a valid email address to further enumerate these services.
Add the following hostnames to the /etc/hosts file on your attack machine.
I always start off with enumerating HTTP first. In this case only port 443 is open so weâll start there. First, letâs visit the site brainfuck.htb. After adding a security exception, we get the following page.
This is a WordPress site and we all know that WordPress is associated with SO MANY vulnerabilities. However, before we run a WordPress vulnerability scanner on this site, letâs look at the certificate information to see if it leaks any useful information.
To do that, click on the lock icon > Show Connection Details. Then click More Information > View Certificate > Details. There, we see that the Issuer field gives us the email address orestis@brainfuck.htb that might be useful when enumerating the open mail protocol ports. This email can also be found on the website.
emailAddress = orestis@brainfuck.htb
Next, letâs run the WordPress vulnerability scanner on the site.
The following is a summary of the results found by the wpscan.
The WordPress version identified is 4.7.3.
The identified version of WordPress contains 44 vulnerabilities.
The WP Support Plus Responsive Ticket System plugin is installed.
The identified version of WP Support Plus Responsive Ticket System plugin contains 4 vulnerabilities.
I tried this vulnerability, however, it did not work out. So, letâs check if searchsploit generates any other vulnerabilities.
Letâs look at the privilege escalation vulnerability.
This vulnerability allows you to bypass authentication by logging in as anyone without knowing the password. You do however need a valid username for the attack to work. Therefore, letâs use wpscan to enumerate usernames.
Both âadminâ and âadministratorâ are valid usernames. Now that we have a valid username, letâs attempt to exploit the vulnerability.
Copy the POC code from the and save it in the file priv-esc.html. Change the URL to the name of the machine.
Get the location of the exploit file on the attack machine.
Run it in the browser and login as administrator.
Refresh the brainfuck.htb page and weâre logged in as administrator!
There doesnât seem to be much functionality available for this user. Therefore, letâs try the âadminâ user next. Perform the same exploit again except with the username being âadminâ.
On the top tab click on Brainfuck Ltd. > Themes. Then click on Plugins > Settings on the Easy WP SMTP plugin. There, we find the SMTP configuration settings with the SMTP username and SMTP masked password. Right click on the password field and view page source.
Letâs use the mail client Evolution to log into orestisâs email. If you donât have Evolution installed on your kali, you can install it using the following command.
Open up the Evolution mail client. Click on File > New > Mail Account. On the Welcome page click Next. There, enter the name orestis in the Full Name field and orestis@brainfuck.htb in the Email Address field.
Click Next. In the Receiving Email window, add brainfuck.htb as the Server, 143 as the Port and orestis as the Username.
Click Next > Next. In the Sending Email window, add brainfuck.htb as the Server, 25 as the Port and No encryption as the Encryption method.
Click Next > Next. Youâll be prompted with an authentication request. Add the password kHGuERB29DNiNE and click OK. Now we can see orestisâs mail!
The Form Access Details email gives us another set of credentials. root root@brainfuck.htb
Remember that in the enumeration phase, we had three hostnames that we added to our hosts file. Since the email mentions a âsecretâ forum, letâs check out the sup3rs3cr3t.brainfuck.htb website. On the website, when you click on Log In, youâre presented with a login page. Enter our newly found credentials there.
Weâre logged in as orestis!
Click on the SSH Access thread. Based on the comments made there, orestis seems to have lost his SSH key and wants the admin to send it to him on an encrypted thread. One other thing we notice is that orestis always signs his message with the âOrestis â Hacking for fun and profitâ phrase.
The encrypted thread orestis is referencing is the Key thread.
There, youâll notice that orestisâs comments are signed with the same message we saw above except the message is in encrypted form. However, with each comment, the generated cipher text for the phrase is different. Therefore, the admin might be using the Vigenère cipher which is a variation of a Caesar substitution cipher that uses a keyword and repeats it until it matches the length of the plaintext. Then the equivalent letter of the keyword is used to encrypt its corresponding plaintext letter. Therefore, the same plaintext can generate multiple different cipher texts.
Since we do have the plaintext and its corresponding cipher text, we can deduce the key since this cipher is vulnerable to a known plaintext attack. This page explains it really well, therefore I wonât explain how to do it.
I wrote a python script to automate the process of finding the key.
The script loops through the cipher text string and takes each character in order and converts it to the integer representation of that character. Then it subtracts that value from the integer representation of the corresponding character in the plaintext string and applies the modulus of 26 since there are 26 alphabets. This gives you a value between 0 and 25 inclusive. However, since the âchrâ function that turns an integer to its character value depends on the ASCII table where 97 represents âaâ, 98 represents âbâ, etc. I had to add 97 to the integer value. After it loops through the entire cipher text it prints the key.
Letâs run the script.
We get back the following result.
As mentioned earlier, the Vigenère cipher uses a keyword and repeats it until it matches the length of the plaintext. Therefore, we can deduce that the key is fuckmybrain. Now that we have the key, we can use it to decrypt the adminâs statement using this
We get back the following text.
Weâre one step closer! We have a link to the RSA private key that seems to be encrypted since the admin mentions a âkey passwordâ in the comment. Visit the link to download the RSA key. We get back the following encrypted key.
Before we use John the Ripper (JtR) to crack the password used to encrypt the private key, we need to convert the file into JtR format. To do that I use the script
Now we can use JtR to crack the password.
It cracked the password! Letâs use the key and password to SSH into orestisâs machine. First change the permissions on the encrypted RSA private key.
Then SSH into the machine.
We finally gained an initial foothold!
Privilege Escalation:
List the files in orestisâs home directory.
View the content of encrypt.sage.
It seems to be performing RSA encryption. First, it opens the root.txt file and uses its value as a parameter in the encryption. The encrypted password is written in the output.txt file. It also logs parameters in the debug.txt file.
Parameters p, q and e are logged in the debug file which we have read/write access to. Since we have both p and q, we can calculate n=p*q, phi=(p-1)(q-1). We also have c since itâs written in the output.txt file which we have read/write access to. So we can calculate m from the equation c = pow(m,e,n).
Instead of doing that by hand, someone already wrote a script for it. First modify the script to include our values.
I also added code that converts the string to ASCII. Run the script.
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